Sunsets in Guanajuato

The sun sets over the hills northwest of the city. Where I’m staying.

A darkening sky fades into a dusty crimson. Mojave red and carnation pink simmers at the edge of the light, before settling below the tree-less mounds. I watch from the steps at the Plaza de la Alhondiga.

Below, a young boy is dancing. Or rather, he’s half-running and half-whirling dervish. His mad cavorting is a public display of irreverence and imagination. He’s wholly smiling in ecstasy. Continue reading Sunsets in Guanajuato

Coronavirus from México: To Stay or Go and The Curious Case of Do Nothing by the Government

When I left for Mexico in December, Coronavirus wasn’t a thing. A few weeks ago, a curious increase in conversation and posts about Covid-19 started to populate my Facebook feed. So the news sucked me back in. Whoa, what a wild time we’re living in. Now I’m here, do I stay or do I go? Continue reading Coronavirus from México: To Stay or Go and The Curious Case of Do Nothing by the Government

No Third Time Charm

Outside the window, overlooking the pool, cherry blossoms are flowering pink bouquets, bright against the grey, and tulips rise up with slouched shoulders and frumpy bed head. Water percolates, circling back to collect in clouds, weighted vest air compressing, then streams its way into puddles. In the early morning it’s cold enough to make the tip of my nose cold. Spring.

Last year I missed this. Continue reading No Third Time Charm